Freelance 2014-2
Reinhard,During my research and planning Slate Creek I found shoe boxes and 50' boxcars varied greatly from the Southern states to the Northern states.. I limited my research from East of the Mississippi River to the Atlantic seaboard and South as far as Georgia. I dedicated two hours a day on Google maps and used my American Short line Railway Guide 5th edition book by Edward A. Lewis (Kalmbach) for reference points..

While that method turned up a lot of excellent modeling ideas and short line engine service areas-example would be a street view of a GP10 being refueled from a tank trailer near a engine house that was a dead ringer for Pikestuffs one stall engine house.Of course this may be extreme research and not for everybody but,IMHO the dividends paid well and gave me a far better view of the shoe box industries served by modern short lines..

Summerset Ry

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