An exhibition in Dresden/Germany
Bernhard, I think the best complement I can give your club is that the scenery on the modules is done to a level that presents a wonderful presentation for the quality of your modeling which is absolutely first class.

Don't worry about a few modules that have scenery that is not up to the standard of the rest of the modules. At the modular club I'm involved with, we encourage members who are building a module to bring it to the first show after building as a "plywood central." Often times there are issues with track work that need to be resolved before the module functions reliably and those changes need to be completed before scenery is installed. The other advantage to having a module on display that is bare plywood, other modules on display with scenery started and not finished and then others on display that are complete, is that it gives the club an opportunity to show the public how a module is built and lets them see that the well scenicked modules they are looking at are the result of the craftsmanship of the club members, and not something that you guys went out and bought finished ready to "plug and play."

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