VGN 2-10-10-2 - my 2014 challenge
jwb, thanks for your interest. I hope that I can give you full explanation what I would like to da and for which reason I will do it.

My big wish is that both drive wheels must run independently and not in sync.
That needs to install with two motors which run without a coupling or a connection. Both motors will mounted and fixed into the boiler and also the front motor will not rotate. Both rubber bands will drive its own short shaft, both fixedly mounted in the rear frame. So I have two complete drive units, both of which are firmly mounted in boiler and rear frame without any necessity of movement. At end both frame mounted shafts are connected by an u-joint driving with the axle worm gears. The front unit needs this u-joint because of moveability of front frame and the rear one needs that because of moveable axle which will move a bit up and down with the motion of axle equalizers.
I have checked all the gear systems which are available by NWSL and they all do not that what I would like to get. I will got a solution by my "construction" where I do not see one item of the gear beside of the front gear housing a bit of u-joint - not more than now - and better yet for the rear engine. All gear parts are hidden in the ashpan and behind rear steam engine with support for the boiler.
I thank that it will be a good working solution. (I hope.)

And an addition.
This engine is a mallet, an compound engine. If it should I add a sound decoder then you will hear only the chuff-chuff of the front engine. The rear cylinders deliver the exhaust steam to front cylinders and you will hear ... What? Maybe an acoustic noise, also in a rhytmic sequence but not a clear chuff-chuff. This will only come from front cylinders.

@Sumpter, thanks. You was a bit faster in answering.
Cheers, Bernd

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