Basic operations question
Thanks John,

I think that its not "the usual" answers my question about typical practice. On my layout it would be an easy move to pull some scrap gons from Sal's Salvage and drop the loads off at KP Steel, but I didn't think that would be a typical way this work would be handled. Instead, it seems the gons would go to Williams Yard in Kings Port and then later be sent to KP Steel as part of the local "Steel Job".

Since I don't have an actual Williams Yard and only represent it by hidden track I can't model this transition...but I can run the local "off layout" and into the "Yard" where it is presumed to be broken down, the cars sorted, and later assigned to other trains. I reality, moves like this would tend to be the last of a session and then I'd prepare future trains for the next session by hand. This way I'd start the next session with something like the "Steel Job" that would deliver those gons to the steel mill complex.

Thanks again for the thoughts!

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