Video: local run w/ modified waybills and simple swichlist
Ralph,Here's what I notice to be the most glaring.

When switching Kosco you should have stopped before backing across the unprotected crossing so the brakeman could flag protect the crossing-the head brakeman would have stayed at the switch while the rear brakeman handle the work.

You spotted your cabin where it would block the motorist track view-they can't see any on coming train.Safety rules would require you to leave the cabin at least 60' from the crossing if possible if not possible a flagman will be used to direct traffic.

You bump and shoved..You should stop after making the joint..The brakeman will need to connect the air hoses since your are a main line local not a yard job.Also the brakeman would need to flag the unprotected crossing so,a stop was required.

Overall you nailed it pretty good.

Summerset Ry

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