jwb's scratchbuild 2014 summer challenge
I went back to Petaluma last month and found a building just down the street that I like better than the prototype I posted above. It has a similar function, a feed warehouse, although this is for poultry and not dairy cattle:


I've come to prefer foamcore for this sort of project, but I'd gotten a slab of balsa at the craft store for another project and discovered that, among other things, balsa, especially if sealed, makes a good start for distressed concrete. So I transferred the dimensions of the mockup in the first post to balsa:


I have a sheet of brick paper left over from another project, about the last I have from the late lamented Paper Creek Model works, that I will use for the brick section here:


I can use various Grandt Line nut-bolt-washer castings to detail the walls.

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