Newbie - District 22 - Downtown L.A. (A table top railway)
Despite posting that I was going to leave out any further updates until the build was finished, I decided to post anyway.

My first weathering attempt didn't go too well: too much contrast in paint and peeling random effect wasn't quite random enough (this was to the thin roof fascia). Have decided to try the hairspray technique to see if this provides the finish I seek and have primed up a couple of pieces of plasticard in readiness. I let you know how it goes before I head off abroad next week.

In the meantime, I've had a bash at soldering up some conduit and telegraph insulators which I hope and trust will pass muster for those on the front of the real building.


Hope you like it.


PS forgot to mention that the couple or so of joins in the conduit along its length are formed of thin fuse wire, twisted on with pliers until the legs break off. They are then gingerly moved into place then hit with a couple of squirts of primer to adhere them to the wire from which it's formed. The addition of paint should seal the bond. When I first tried this method, I used solder which simply floods the area losing the detail in the process. jonte.

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