Going to Europe - Germany & Czech Republic
e-paw Wrote:I hope you got to see the country side while you were there. Looks like you had a good time.

We unfortunately did not get out of Nuremburg - the toy fair took much of the day (all the daylight hours), feeding ourselves and mosying(sp?) around the city took the rest. One of the frustrating things was driving past a freight yard daily in the shuttle bus - but just far enough below track level to not really be able to see anything for more than an instant. I did see a diesel of somesort that at first (and only) glance, reminded me of an Alco RS3. Bah. Sad There was also a railroad museum RIGHT IN THE CITY that was not open we were out and about. If this opportunity repeats itself, that'll have to be rectified!

I also learned of a steam powered narrow gauge railroad in the south of Germany that apparently has been there about almost as long as our Colorado narrow gauges. A future target as well.

We did get out of town in the Czech republic for a day.
Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio

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