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Tyson Rayles Wrote:
Ralph Wrote:I suspect that Misngth = humor....but knowing Tyson....inquiring minds want to know!

For the record I grew up in and around the Everglades. Myself and all my friends at one time or another when we were kids kept a pet gator (usually in the 2-4 foot range as those are easy to handle and once they started to get too big we turned them loose). No I don't recommend everybody go out and get one ( not legal anyway ). Many decades ago when I rented, a landlord gave a big speech one day about how there would be no more dogs or cats allowed. However he didn't say anything about gators so as someone who enjoys taking advantage of a loop hole............. To his credit when he found out there was a three footer running loose in my apartment the only thing he said was "I hope you don't expect the exterminator to service your apartment!" Icon_lol Once the joke wore off I took the critter back to the glades and turned him loose.

Some of the advantages of having a alligator for a pet:

1- No need to housebreak em' , they seem to only be able to go when in the water so once a week you put 6 inches of water in the bathtub, place gator in tub and wait until the water turns yellow then pull plug and turn on shower til tub and gator are clean (probably a good idea not to tell your parents you did this.) Icon_lol .
2- Cheap to feed. They only need to eat every month or so ( a three footer would need about an half pound of hamburger in that time).
3- If you let the gator answer the door salesmen and preachers never call a second time! Goldth

And neighbor's small children and pets will never bother you more than once?

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