For those of you that may vaguely recall my layout over at Zealot ( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> ), I bring news. She's no more.

[Image: image.php?album_id=6&image_id=703]

Times change, the family has been getting bigger and the dining room wasn't. Last week, I finally made the decision to break it down into two pieces and move it out to the garage where I can finish demolition. Soooo, in parting sorrow, I leave you with some before and afters.

[Image: f01.jpg]

[Image: P1010016lowres.jpg]

[Image: DCP_7541lowres.jpg]

[Image: P1010017lowres.jpg]

[Image: DCP_6368.jpg]

[Image: P1010018lowres.jpg]

[Image: DCP_6156lowres.jpg]

[Image: P1010022lowres.jpg]

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