Building a modular home layout
After two years, it is finally time to get rid of that yellow spray-foam finish on the FREMO module!

As this is my first time doing scenery, I've had quite a lot of trial-and-error time getting the rock cuts and outcroppings somewhat acceptable, before moving on to the next step. In the pic below, the cut at the upper left is still untreated, as it was done all over again after a failed attempt of yellow ocher wash. The other cut and the outcroppings have a light wash of raw and burnt umber, but there's still more washes and highlighting to do before they are finished:
[Image: 4392_w1200.jpg]

Today the weather is great, so I decided to move the messy work and the module out on the back terrace. But first I wanted to drive around a little to search for any good local spots to collect dirt and sand for the scenery, and I've made a little "kit" that is easy to just pick up and throw in the car, consisting of some gardening tools, a tea strainer, some small plastic boxes and empty milk cartons, all put together in a handy container with a clip-on lid
[Image: 20150926001_w1200.jpg]

I found a great spot just a couple of kilometers away, with a cut alongside a narrow gravel road where the sand and finer particles had been washed out by the rain and laying at the bottom of the cut, all ready to be picked up! With all 6 milk cartons filled to the rim, I returned back home to get the dirt baked in the kitchen stove. With four baking trays of dirt in the oven (and two more on the way), I used some of my old clay dirt to get the first layer done, and this is how the module looks now:[Image: 20150926002_w1200.jpg]

The other half of the module will get its first layer by the afternoon. I know, there's still a lot of work before the module is finished, but at least it's not yellow spray foam anymore! 2285_ Icon_lol

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