Anyone downloaded Windows 10 yet ?
Put Win10 on this machine last night. It was kind of weird, there was no message saying I was ready, but when I clicked on the white flag icon, I wound up starting to download Win10. After it downloaded, I was told by others that I would be given a choice how to install it, but not so, the only choice I had was when. I could install it immediately or sometime in the next few days where I could pick the time. I did a complete backup on a external hard drive and last night I went through the process again and the only choice I had was when to install. I picked "now", and it took off on it's own for the next few hours. This morning, I was left with one choice again, "express setup" which took a short time and I was ready to go. At first I didn't see much difference, but I guess I have to do a whole bunch of manual setting changes, I just need to find them all. The thing that I was worried about, the install crashing, didn't happen and all my data is safe, so that's a good thing.... Applause
Don (ezdays) Day
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