Another Man Down - Chuck Yungkurth has passed on
Another man down - Chuck Yungkurth passes on

Ported across from the Yahoo Small layout Design group

On Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 14:41, "Michael Nickerson <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> [small-layout-design]" <> wrote:

(Chuck's G&S is one of the 'five iconic small layouts.' A fine researcher and author, as well.)

Forwarded from the 'erielack' list on
The following was received today by an associate. ......

I’m very sorry to be writing this, but my father Chuck Yungkurth passed away on Saturday.

He'd been losing weight and generally not thriving for a couple months. Between him being ultra-stoic and me traveling a lot in March, his fairly dire situation didn't become apparent to any of us until he was sent to the ER the week after Easter, after collapsing at home. Before I could really get to the bottom of what his problem was his health had declined so fast that the last time he went to the ER (last Monday) the doctor said he wouldn't survive heroic measures. We are all still in shock from this past week.

He went into hospice on Wednesday and passed away on Saturday after I'm glad to say were peaceful last days with all his kids and the eldest grandkids having been with him.

If you could spread the word along to friends/colleagues you might know in the railroad community we'd appreciate that. We're going to have a memorial gathering here in Colorado (hopefully at the Colorado RR Museum where he worked as a volunteer in their research library) in a month or two and I'll let you know the details.

Best regards,
Karen Y. Gerhardt

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