Windows 10 help
The old folders I had on XP are now under Other Bookmarks that will be on your top tool bar . Within the Other Bookmarks you can create new folders and sub folders to your liking . I have 11 items under " other bookmarks " but when I click on to it and then lay the cursor onto one of the 11 basic topics it will expand to the numerous other files AND folders I have within that topic .

As for pictures , be it some image you have saved from the internet or pics you have downloaded from your camera , they will be over in Recycle Bin .Just click on to R.B. and if you see the left column on the screen it will show " Downloads" and thats where any saved images from internet will be . You can then create separate folders for the various types of pics .
If you download pics from your camera they will end up in " PIctures " in the Recycle Bin with the date of the file as to when those pics were taken . You can simply rename that picture file to your choice . Pictures can be dragged around to different files if you choose by clicking and holding the pic and dragging it into the new file you have created . You will see a " New Folder " option at the top of the screen when you are in the " Downloads " .

There was , of course , a time of learning all this stuff but I really like it , especially for my thousands of pictures . You can edit the pics while they are in the folder need for a picture edit program .
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