Transformers - not the kids kind, either. This actually started with BNSF,`so maybe this is the worng berth, but we'll see.

Three days`ago BNSF dropped off two humongous electrical transformers at ther work siding in Palmer Lake. Shortly thereafter, a fleet of semi's arrived carrying huge metal beams, loads of metal bracing members and 4-wheel road wheel sets, two forklifts, two mobile cranes...and a partidge in a pear tree. My wife and I decided to stop and see what it was all about, and got front row seats to what should have been an episode of Mega Movoers.

Moving like a highly trained drill team, the workers raised up the transformers, emplaced metal support stands, attached the big girders to the sides of the first transformer, then used the lughter bracing members to construct and and swing into place internal frameworks at each end between the main girders. Then wheel sets were attached, two sets at each end. Finally, the transformer was lifted, the braces removed and the transformer lowered onto it's 16 roadwheels. Then two semi tractors hooked on, on at the front pulling, on at the rear pushing, and the entire Rubegolderg assemblage motored slowly off down the country two-laner to the power substation a few miles away where the entire process was repeated in reverse to emplace the teranformer.

Then, of course, back to the siding to do it all over again with the second one. Altogether, it took an entire day to prepare one transformer to move, a second day to emplace it, a third day to ready the second one and the last day to emplace it. Then a half-day to reload and repack the fleet of trucks and finally the dust settled.

What an incredible performance.

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