Veterans Day
I'll tell you straight up no soldier wins or looses a war--only the leaders and big corporations. For those of us that survive the hellish nightmare called war it ends upon our death. In the mean time we suffer nightmares see our VA benefits cut and denial of mental problems by our Government and the public in general sees our combat stress (so called and more colorful PTSD) as a tax payer free ride through life. Never mind the blood curling screams in the night and a sudden jolt out of bed only to find your palms are sweaty and your heart beating at warp speed while breathing in short excited gasps. The ghost came calling yet again and you can bet the farm it will call again and again and again until the day death claims you..

What's it like?

Death is tugging at your elbow 24/365 days and the odds? If your platoon has 44 men then your odds of being killed or wounded is 44:1 and to break that down..If your squad has 10 men then its 10:1 odds and the odds is far less in a full out assault...

And then..

POW! If you survive you're are a civilian again without being deprogrammed in a peaceful world. All of the empty welcome homes doesn't change that. Over months some readjust without problems while thousands others that was in the thick of it may never fully readjust.

Summerset Ry

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