Remember Pearl Harbor
I believe its the 75th anniversary.

The things that lead up to the attack by both sides was unbelievable. The bullheadedness of the Japanese Imperial Army leaders against the leaders of the Imperial Navy who was against the attack. Then the Pacific fleet was moved from San Diego to Hawaii and was seen as a act of U.S. aggression toward Japan. Hot headed high ranking commanders of the Imperial Army saw the move as a dagger to the throat of Japan. This is when the attack clock started ticking even though the commanders of the Imperial Navy was still arguing against any attack.

Prime Minister Tojo Hideki finally agreed with the Army commanders and ordered a strike on the American fleet.Isoroku Yamamoto the Commander of the Combine Fleet was still against the attack but, had to follow his orders.

On the American side it was one ultimatum after the other and then the Pacific fleet was moved from San Diego to Hawaii under protest of some Navy commanders because Hawaii was not defendable against a air strike. In order to appease some high ranking Navy and Army commanders B17s would be sent to Pearl and used on long range reconnaissance patrols along with using several subs on reconnaissance patrols as a early warning.

When Army and Navy intelligence lost track of Japan's main battle carriers warning alarms should have been sounded instead of second guessing a attack elsewhere. It didn't help matters when some intelligence officers thought it would be impossible to move a carrier strike force unnoticed to within striking distance of Pearl. Beside Pearl was to shallow to drop torpedoes from aircraft.

In the mean time a large carrier attack force was sailing toward Pearl on a extreme Northern course under strict radio silence and no smoke showing.

Summerset Ry

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