doctorwayne's Get off yer duff Challenge (Part I)
Well, it looks like I've either lost the in-progress photos of recent work on this loco, or I never took them...I'd guess the latter to be the case, as I finally really got into this project, and probably didn't stop to take photos. The ones below appear to have been done at a point when I finally took a break, although there's some more details to be added to the locomotive and, of course, lots to do on the tender, too.
Other than the sand lines, I re-piped most of this locomotive, especially for the feedwater system and heater, but I also thought the air pump piping to be incorrect, and I did re-do the air tanks, too.

An over-all view...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20043.jpg]

...fireman's side view...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20044.jpg]'s side view...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20045.jpg]

...and some overhead views...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20046.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20048.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20049.jpg]

The air tanks mounted beneath the running boards are lead-filled brass tubing, while those atop the boiler are lead-filled stainless steel. The brackets for the boiler-top tanks were cut from a sheet of .030" brass using a cut-off disc in my motor tool, and once the proper level for the tanks was determined, I used a punch to create the cradle-like depressions in the brackets.

To hold the tanks in place, I soldered .010"x.030" brass bar (from Detail Associates) onto the outer edges of the brackets...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20056.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20057.jpg]

With the tanks in place, the straps were stretched over the tanks and soldered to the other edge of the brackets...

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20058.jpg]

Here are a couple of views showing where the build is currently at:

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20075.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20078.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20080.jpg]

[Image: GRS%202-6-6-2...%20079.jpg]

The air tank cradles were based on those, seen in a photo, of similar design used on a DM&IR 2-8-0.

More work on this locomotive yet to come...


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