We need your feedback, all of you...
Big Blue has been successfully online now for just over eight years. We've had a few glitches that our trusty stationmasters have been quick to resolve. We've had a few that didn't go our way, mostly due to our choice in forum software. When we started, we picked a popular open-source format that seemed to fit our requirements, (phpBB), but over they years, it just seemed to lag behind a few others. We had to shut down our gallery a few years ago because of this, we lost our original chat room and had to settle for something no one seems to want to use. Updates and backups are a real chore for our stationmaster to do and become more difficult as our database grows. One time it resulted in our losing a good many of our embedded photos when an update crashed us big time.

The point is that we admins have discussed changing to a different forum software platform, one that will bring us up to date with the times and keep us that way without risking losing what we already have. Right now, we can't interact with many social sites and we'd like to be able to do just that. Many forums can and so we're struggling to keep members that count on it. We can migrate to this new platform without loss of anything we already have, all our posts, member lists and photos can be moved intact. We will spend time testing this before we go live, but first we want your feedback.

What features is it that you like, dislike, want to change, add or delete from what we already have here at Big Blue? The sky's the limit, we want you to be honest; our new software choice will allow us a lot more flexibility in what features we can add or change. Please, don't be shy, we won't be offended, Big Blue is a bit old and worn and it's time to get a new look if that's what we need, or at least add or change some of the features we've been use to using all these years.

Please, post your comments here, we will listen. Tell us if you want something left alone, changed or deleted. Tell us if you hate or love some feature or suggest that we add something you'd like. Want to add a new sub-forum, or don't like our color choices or format, just tell us. Is doing something too difficult or do you think there's a better way of doing something here, just say so. It's that simple, so please, we need your input, we're here for you and want to give you want you want the way you want it. Oh, if you do or don't like the way we are running Big Blue, let us know too. No, we're not going to quit or fire anyone, but if we have room for improvement, we're open to changes there as well.

We all thank you....
  • ngauger, (Mikey),
    ezdays, (Don) &
    Packey, (Pat)
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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