2017 Big Blue NASCAR Racin'
Tyson Rayles Wrote:I was listening to a show on NPR the other day about NASCAR. They said that over the last 10 years the TV ratings have fallen by 50% with about the same decline in ticket sales. As the ratings fall the networks put more of the races on the cable channels which causes the ratings to decrease even more as a lot of people don't get some of those channels and as they can't see it on TV they lose interest so don't go to the races when they are held in their area. Right now it looks like NASCAR is in danger of going the way of boxing, arena football and what have you. Some of the biggest mistakes they made was leaving the short tracks, going to too many cookie cutter 1.5 and 2 mile tracks where they just go round and round. Letting the sport get so expensive that all the more colorful one car teams can no longer compete and going to one of the dumbest points systems known to man. Somebody said the drivers like the new points system. I got a clue for them, it doesn't matter what they like only what the fans like. If NASCAR doesn't get it's head outta it's a** pretty soon they will be out there racing for bragging rights and beer money in front of mostly empty stands and no TV coverage. Today is the Daytona 500, I'll be in the next room working on my layout and the TV won't even be turned on.

Yup... I believe that too!
Once they made it a multi-car team sport, it kind of shot out the one car teams. then they capped the owners ar 4 cars (because Roush owned 5 teams) so other owners could have a chance. After all this carbon copying, they changed the schedule to accommodate the mega track owners and it all became a money sport... more so than it's ever been.

Now there are rumors of infighting in the organization which they are calling "differences of opinions" and the drivers are noticing that certain family members aren't listening to driver's comments or complaints. So it's like most other sports, it reached it's peak and is slowly going downhill now.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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