DPM Scissor's cutting kitbash
I painted all the concrete on my building today.
[Image: DSCF6768_zpsjs62mdot.jpg]
I started with masking as much as I could on each wall, using 1/2" masking tape. Then airbrushing Model master Acrylic concrete.
[Image: DSCF6769_zpso9rbfhdw.jpg]
then I went back and masked the smaller areas that the tape originally covered. It took about an hour to mask and paint everything.
[Image: DSCF6770_zpsmdwdu3cj.jpg]
[Image: DSCF6771_zpshwkitloq.jpg]
Next is the window glass and the roof.
Not sure what kind of business this will be. I might have to paint a sign yet. Any suggestions? I don't have a Gern distributor yet.

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