The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!!
Thanks for all your kind comments.  Yes, Big Blue is a labor of love just as The Gauge was.
It's been said that a house is just a building, what makes a home is the people that reside there.

       Big Blue is all of us, whether we regularly participate or not.  Don & I decided almost 11 years ago in December, 2008 to keep this popcorn stand/coffee pot/hobo's camp running for All our enjoyment.  It's going great so far.  We are glad to have a place to exchange information, post pictures and even inspire new ideas with what we all post. I know I have gotten a lot of ideas from here no matter what the scale or gauge.

       Don & I do not hold anyone accountable for our decisions. We answer to no one but ourselves and the membership here and that's the way we wish to keep it.  No ads - No Sponsors!  We listen to any and all suggestions and we have asked for help when we needed it, in both knowledge and financial matters.

       We have sustained this model railroad forum with a tremendous amount of help from Don's son P.J.. Without him we would not be where we are today software and security wise.  With all our volunteering and our Volunteer Moderators that donate our time, there are things that we must pay real cash money for.  For example, all this information, posts, pics, videos, our member list all exist on a few gigs of memory in a server.  That, must be paid for Every Year.  The domain name has to be renewed - that takes some more money.

       That is why, once in a while,  we ask for help.  Just a bit, not much.  That is also why we hold these auctions, so that we are able to give someone a tangible item in exchange for their generous donation.  

       I have just renewed my subscription to Trains Magazine.  A few months ago I renewed my subscription to Garden Railway Magazine.  Both are about $30.00 a year.  Thats $2.00 to $3.00 a month per issue.   As DoctorWayne commented, you can get all kinds of information and post any news about your life, trains, layouts, pictures and also interact with other members here.  Donating one Dollar just once is truly a bargain compared to a magazine that costs so much more.

       Again, you don't have to feel obligated to donate.  Just remember that even if you are only here once in a while, for one single donation, less than the cost of a cup of coffee or other beverage, you can help Don & I keep this train on the tracks.

       It's not that costly, but we appreciate the idea that we should not have to shoulder the entire cost, every year.
~~ Mikey KB3VBR (Admin)
~~ NARA Member # 75    
~~ Baldwin Eddystone Unofficial Website

~~ I wonder what that would look like in 1:20.3???

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #VIII.. Stop In!!! - by ngauger - 10-16-2019, 07:12 PM

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