3-D printing results
I have no idea how to start this, but I am wondering about 3D printers. I was trying to get some small parts on E-bay that were made by Kemtron quite a few years ago. They were an axle kit for the Aerotrain coaches. There were 3 listings (same seller) 2 for 4 kits and 1 listing for 5. These sold for 79 cents a pack, but I really thought I needed them so I placed a max bid of 25 bucks on each one. I quit when they got well over 40 to 50 dollars plus 7 bucks shipping. That much money would go a long way to buying a 3D printer and because the parts are so small they should not be costly to make.  I would only need to print the sideframes with the bearing on it and they are single axle bogies. I am wondering if there is such a thing as a 3D scanner that would scan these parts and convert to the appropriate program to print them. 
       I can see a good use for tiny parts that I need and these parts I need for the aerotrain are about the size of a nickle.
Any comments and recommendations are welcomed as well as needed


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