East Terminal & Newburgh

have i told to you, that i earned my money during my academic studies as part-time truck driver? No, not one of these 18-wheelers but with a humble 7 1/2 ton truck:
[Image: dsc0289214sd7.jpg]
This was the truck which had built in 1:87 too. The business was railway related, here the LCL was brought to the customers were the rails did not reach.

[Image: dsc02893xfsaz.jpg]
And this was the daily chaos beneath the canvas top. You will learn here as inevitable consequence packing the things in a space saving manner. So in the way i did when packing my humble car for the annual SWD convention at Wolfersweiler 2019.

Back from the convention i thought there was need for an extension of Flats. Especially with the right end there was only a short stub of track after the last switch behind Anderson Steel. Only long enough to take a single loco.
In my attic i found this shelf of 120cm x 20cm seize.

[Image: dsc02400xvym5.jpg]
This older photo shows the lenght i have for disposal. More exact it was a lenght of 123cm still available.

[Image: dsc01760o7kvm.jpg]
So i started to built Flats Extension for home use. The initial planning allotted a #6 switch for a additional stub.

[Image: dsc017610ujpu.jpg]
This was a 100% recycling project. The shelf is a massive sheet of wood of 2cm thickness.
The cork roadbed was glued onto teh surface and roughly shaped.

[Image: dsc01767dpktp.jpg]

[Image: dsc017687wjcd.jpg]
To get the plywood district out of your head, it hampered my thoughts, the shelf was painted with a earth-coulored water based dye.

All went it's own way until i told my plans about Flats Extension to Hardy...


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