Building Paper Card Stock Alley...with some "cheating"
Part 2.

Where was I?


The pictures may be out of order here.  However this pic gives you an idea of the come of the creative "clamping" methods I use put things together.  My Fastracks tools dont do much these days, however the tool steel they are made out of is heavy and they are relatively straight and square after making dozens of turnouts.  Paired with some 1,2,3 blocks and, "HOT DOG! We have a wiener!" This sort of gives a shot of the insides, which is simply some of that basswood bracing and some floor templates to use as floors and ceilings to help support the shape of the building.


In this picture I'm starting on the next door neighbor, which is a grocer.  Next to the grocer will be a hardware store.  I'm trying to keep the roof heights varied to break up the roof lines a bit and give each building its own unique look. I almost forgot to note that I added the trim work to the tavern, using some white 1x8 strip wood, and also made some stone work on the corners, which was simply some concrete texture that I cut to look like blocks that I could fold around the corners.  It really tidied up the corners quite nicely.  It was also around this stage of the build that I decided I wanted to do something different with the roof of the tavern and give it a Mansard style roof.  So today is when I tackled that aspect of the build.


So I made a template and printed a copy of a copy until I could fit multiple template that I could use to make the truss segments.  I probably went overboard with the construction of this roof, however I feel like I was starting to hit my stride here.  So, once I printed off the paper templates I prepared some cereal box, sprayed on some Super 77 and stuck the templates onto the cardboard. 


After some careful measurements, assembly I ended up with this rather robust roof truss system to make up my roof.


I decided to test fit it and weight it down on the building. while the glue continued to dry.  I haven't glued the roof in place yet at this point and won't until I've finished the details on the roof.  

Added the sides one at a time and held each side in place for a few minutes to allow the glue to tack up.


Some gratuitous shots of the "buildings" on the layout...I've separated the different bases at this point to make some elevation changes to the scene as well.  The road from the town interior slopes down to the alley which boarders the railroad.  The alley then will then gradually slope down across this particular grouping of buildings.  One of the challenges building this is that I'm "curving" the row of buildings which would in many ways be straight across.  However I want to follow the road mock up I've put down and perhaps inadvertently introduce some forced perspective.  I don't know if that will work, but I'm wiling to give it a try.  



That's all for now.  I've been working on this on and off for the last three or four days.  I'm pretty happy with how its coming along so far.  I plan on added windows and dormers to the Mansard roof to add additional "living space" up top. I'm looking forward to tackling that detail and then moving on to laying down some diamond patterned shingles, adding a brick chimney and small sloped roof in the center typical of Mansard style roof designs.  If its one thing I found while looking into them ...there are numerous variations and no two are alike.  So I've tried to keep the roof design as simple as I can.  Anyways.  I hope to have made further progress in the next few days.

Take care folks.

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RE: Building Paper Card Stock Alley...with some "cheating" - by tetters - 10-28-2020, 09:40 PM

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