Model Railroad... Hackers??
As I recall, back then it was possible to get switched using a sequence of numbers using pulsed dialing. Later on there was that guy that discovered he could blow that whistle from a Cap'n Crunch cereal box into the phone and get the same results when they switched to tone dialing. I'm not sure, but didn't he spend some jail time for doing that???? Now he could indeed be called a hacker, as was the thousands that took up the practice.

Speaking of getting someone's calling card #, I remember back in the 90's using a pay phone in the Anaheim Convention center. A few weeks later, our phone bill arrived in a large box. Within days they ran our long distance bill up past $20,000. I picked out the calls I made and just paid those, the phone company ate the rest. I'm hoping by now that the phone companies have ways of stopping that from happening.
Don (ezdays) Day
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