The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning 

       I woke up stiff as a board this morning. I had a heck of a time even getting out of bed. I took some ibprouphen however it's spelled, and a cup of coffee and it is easing.
        Fellow on FB has a Q2 for sale. I want one but not for the price he wants. His is a Paragon 2 and he is asking the price of a Paragon 3 and retail price at that. 

        Tom, something similar to your experience with the cable co.  3 years ago our 48 year old single son was in a motorcycle wreck and we didn't expect him to live. He was in a coma at the trauma unit at a local hospital.  I called to see if his motorcycle payment was current so I could keep it up to date. They would not even talk to me.  I told them that the bike had been totaled and that they could mark the account that the insurance would contact them.  We called the insurance company to let them know what happened and within an hour they were at the shop where the bike was stored, checked it out and totaled it. Then they called us to ask about his helmet and his Kevlar jacket which was also destroyed and told us they would cover them too. The boy made a complete recovery without any brain damage, or need for plastic surgery. I guess different companies have different policies.  

          It's quiet here today, the new furkid is at the vet for the dreaded snip. Usually they come home in the evening but "DUE TO COVID 19" they keep him over night.  (That is a state mandated thing). I realize the virus is dangerous but I am sick of calling places and the machines first words are Big Grinue to Covid 19.  What really comes next in most cases is how valued you are so please stay on the line, which translates to "we can blame poor service on covid." How can the covid rate be less than one percent when the poor service rate is about 25 percent? 

         Rain now but it was freezing a little earlier. 
         Back to scanning family fun

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 01-26-2021, 10:05 AM

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