The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning folks.
        I finished another project yesterday. The porch fence is up and my wife has the decoratin' done. Already fixed a hole in the soffit that was left from removing a vent to no where that I did not leave in when we covered the roof. It was just a 3 foot 3 in pipe from the bottom of the soffit and extended 3 foot to the heavens.  (I had one of these on my old house and forgot to tell the guy doing that roof to remove it).
       Todays job is a new gate between the two yards. We have a gate so we can bring in a strange dog and keep them separated from our fur kids until we know about their personalities.  
        Beautiful day here once again. We have gone from extremely wet to too dry in a hurry. We could use a little rain. Later I will need to get mower gas and begin the mowing process. I like mowing because the vibrations from the mower seems to help my back. 
        Tom, your planter looks great, and Fit Tom, glad the plumber was in and out so fast. I hope it was a minor price tag too. 
         Don, I had a problem with this laptop. I had it connected to a ethernet cable as well as the WIFI. It was slow and I was even having trouble streaming YouTube video. I have a fast internet service so I couldn't figure the problem. I tested the speed with the cable plugged in and it was terrible, so just for kicks I unplugged it thinking it would go from bad to worse, but instead, with just WIFI the speed became lightning fast. There must have been a conflict between the Wi-Fi and the ethernet cable causing the problem. So I have "cut the cord" so to speak with this laptop.  

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 05-20-2021, 08:36 AM

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