The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Big Grin 
Good morning. 
       It is a beautiful day in southeast Ohio, great day to work on the gutters for the train building (full scale) 

       The garden is looking great with peppers coming on and the tomato's blossoming. Onions are ready to pull and cucumbers doing well.     

        I have been using my digital camera for over 8 years now and I really like it. It is a Fuji point and shoot with more settings than I will ever know how to use and it takes incredible video too. It uses double a batteries which is another plus for me because if I do need batteries I can go anywhere, though I use rechargeables. The feature I like most is the 30x twist barrel zoom. Anyhow, I was getting worried it was near end of life so looking for another I got lucky and there were 2 for sale on ebay. One was over $500 but the second one the asking price was $135 plus shipping and tax and the claim was very little use. I got it yesterday and it is in like new condition and it works like a new one so now I have 2 so maybe they will keep going strong. 

        I'm keeping the Chief in my prayers, and I hope Arizona gets some much needed rain to help fight the fires. 

        I have been following the water level in Lake Mead for the last 10 years and if they don't curtail the use of the water it may affect the structure of the dam. It is not good for a dam to have its concrete exposed all the time. It has also seriously cut the head so I doubt they are able to generate power but if so it would take a considerable amount more water to generate the same wattage. (in case anyone is interested the formula is h(head in feet) x CFS (cubic foot of water per second) x 62.5 (weight of a cubic foot of water) / 550 = horsepower and multiply that by .746 and you get the kilowatts.  The plant I operated for 12 years only had 18 foot of head and we were only able to generate 1.2 megawatts under the best conditions. I learned a lot about the problems with hydro power and the problems with engineers designing a plant without using more knowledge than can be found in books. (I know how to dry wet generators).  Icon_rolleyes

       Good day to all

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by Charlie B - 06-26-2021, 08:47 AM

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