The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Today's exciting project was replacing the head in the shower. The bit that pivots had come apart and wouldn't go back together. And SWMBO said that she wanted a better nozzle anyway.
We bought the cheapest one the hardware store had -- needed one with a hose. Spent a while looking for the teflon tape and found that they included a roll in the kit. My Swiss Army knife scissors didn't want to cut it. Anyway, it's now been installed.
I now have a hose with a nozzle on it; wonder what I can do with it.
Suggestion: get a head with a lever for adjusting the spray. We had one in the RV that used a dial and it's hard to turn with soapy fingers.
Hot and humid today.
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by BR60103 - 07-19-2022, 07:19 PM

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