The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Started out today in the 20's, it's now reached the low 50's with sun. Would have been a great day to get out and play golf.

This is the kids' last day here in Maryland - they make the long drive down to central Texas tomorrow morning with a stop in Nashville. They've been busy with all of the various friends and relatives - my wife and I feel like we're relegated to dog-sitting. Would have enjoyed doing more with them while they're staying with us, but what can you do?

Took a walk on the Ma and Pa Trail with the bride and our dog this morning. It's mostly flat, being (for the most part) built on the former main of the Maryland and Pennsylvania RR (hence the name) and the trail originates in the center of our zip code. Walked about 2 miles down and 2 miles back.

I should actually get some layout time tomorrow - what little I've been able to do has been relegated to some rock details and painting. Have to do more detail painting on the rocks between the tracks and the backdrop before adding detail trees and shrubs in the Mud Run section. However, if I do get some time tomorrow, I should have some pictures to share.

Been researching some good armature options for Mountain Laurel (the state flower of PA) and Rhododendron which is plentiful in the Lehigh Valley gorge. I think I'm going to try to use last year's end-growth of some of my Spirea bushes and hit them with some spray adhesive and SuperLeaf. We'll see how that goes.
Check out my "Rainbows in the Gorge" website:

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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by TMo - 12-29-2022, 12:23 PM

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