The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, we're sitting around 100 for the next few days, then the mid-90's for about a week, but that can change in a flash.

Charlie, you win on age, but can you beat Tom's 12? Me, I feel like a youngster, my second one is due in December, and I'll tell you why I'm behind. Pat and his family are always dragging on time, late more times than not and so it only stands to reason that their girls are slow to fill up their end of the family tree. Waiting I might add, that my other granddaughter is 22 and I don't even hear talk about a boyfriend.... Nope 

Went to Gas Buddy to check on prices, and got the following:

Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:
XID: 7914284
Varnish cache server

Really makes sense, someone should fail if they were trying to varnish the guru's rear while he's meditating. Aw, come on, they are as bad as doctors, why can't they just speak so us commoners can understand instead of using their own private code?

Saturday, got over 9 hours sleep, got some work to do in the shop, one tool I sold a few years ago was a surface planer and I really regret doing that. Harbor Freight has a sale and theirs was $299,down from $369, a real deal. I have no plans for it yet, but I now have my precious planer once again. Problem is I need to find a place to put it and it's too heavy for an old man to pick up, so I have to be clever getting it out of the box, and Pat's in Scotland right now, so he's no help. Nope

Enough for now, gotta go find something to eat for breakfast, then go unpack the planers. Ya all have a great weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
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RE: The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!! - by ezdays - 06-03-2023, 08:20 AM

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