Ocalicreek's Garage Layout Planning Thread
I may have said it before, but I kindof got spoiled on the modular layout I was used to down in SoCal. There my 70' passenger cars looked just great on the club layout 36" radius curves. And this was something a little different, btw. BOTH mainlines, inside and outer, were 36" radius curves. This made for a little extra clearance between tracks at the middle of the curve. Not sure if it was planned that way or just a happy accident, but it's not a bad idea for a club layout with parallel main lines and a wide variety of equipment on each.

I like the look of larger 85' equipment (read: pullman passenger cars with the nice arched windows) but it almost looks way too big unless the curves are large enough to match and there's a decent run to see the whole train stretched out. Still, most of my stuff is of the 40' and smaller variety, both passenger and freight.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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