Firestorm at Z's....
MountainMan Wrote:Then don't go, but the obsessive whining about it on this forum is unseemly and unprofessional on the part of all involved.
I've just gone through every post here and I see an open discussion about something that's happened on a forum that most of us left a while back. I don't see anyone "whining", I do see a lot of frustration and surprise at what's happened there. If you didn't see some of the threads that were deleted, it would be difficult at best to follow what some people are talking about. If you go to the papermodelers forum, you will find at least six threads there, some with over 100 posts dealing with this issue, and believe me, many of those posts are bordering on way past reasonable rhetoric. People need a venue to vent their feelings and what better place that here about this topic where others understand. I think the discussion here has been reasonable and within the expected limits. I don't think anyone here wants to see Zealot fail, to be sure, there's too much good information there to see it destroyed. Some threads there can never be replaced. So although we may not agree with how things are being done there, we don't want anything to be lost either.

There's not doubt that CG is a for-profit organization, they can't support their network of forums without some source of revenue. They are claiming that Zealot brings in pennies a day. If that's true, it either has to stand on it's own, or some other forum has to make up the shortfall. That's not a happy situation to be in, and whether their new policies will change that has yet to be seen. That makes people a bit nervous about some stuff that's been there for over eight years. The do want to save it and it will take new members to have that happen. Members that don't have memories of how things used to be.

No one here has gotten nasty. No one has bad-mouthed anyone, nor have they gone back and tried to disrupt what's going on there. There are those that have been doing that, but they are not train people from here. Unfortunately, a few people got burned just for saying what they think. So we have people who are voicing their opinions here, and frankly, it's a relatively short discussion considering the enormity of what's happening there. We may not agree with what they're doing, that's obvious otherwise Big Blue wouldn't exist, but we don't wish them bad either and I think this discussion is an exemplary example of that. Remember, I see post by yourself as well and I see nothing "unprofessional" with those or any others. So let people vent for a while more. If things get out of hand, we're here to deal with that issue if and when it happens.
Don (ezdays) Day
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