Progress on the Canadian Southern
I'm pretty excited!

Aside from the fact that I had to go with a modern roundhouse for this to all work (theres an extra $150 I didn't plan on spending!) I'm pretty happy with how its coming together.

The yard is being modified a bit... I'm going to be doing the adjustments on the fly though... just working around the main line.

I plan to get the main finished this weekend, or at least pretty darn close to being finished. I'm about 10% of the way there right now after 4 hours...but in that 4 hours I've also been building kits and doing some touchups to the plan...

That whole lower section might get a revamp...

It might not cross over at all... which is disapointing, I'll have to see what happens when I get further...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> = Traction of the Pacific South Eastern

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