Derailment tracer
For me I want to investigate the possible causes of derailments by inspecting the car and track..I had zero tolerances for derailments on my past ISLs.Oddly I operated a N Scale Unitrack yard switching layout on my dining room table for several weeks and had zero derailments.

At the HO club I use the 2 strike rule for my cars..2 derailments and I remove the offending car until I can check it..At the N Scale club I simply take the offending car to the owner or place it on the RIP shelf and have a car repair notice wrote up.

How well does zero tolerance work?

During the County fair I had 1 "finger"* derailment and 1 break in two in 52 hours of operation.

*A "finger" derailment means a visitor's finger cause the derailment.

Summerset Ry

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