Prototype modeling - how far can you take it?
Ralph Wrote:I guess I'd call the G&D a Freelanced model railroad despite the prototypical approaches and operations. Proto-freelance suggests to me that the railroad modeled is an actual prototype line but the complexities of modeling it exactly make the layout more of an impression of the railroad. My layout has a Penn Central theme but the communities and industries it serves are fictional...hence proto-freelanced, no?


Ralph,You model PC but,not any specific area so,its protolance..

Now if you said I model a PC urban industrial branch in Pittsburgh and every(or selected) industry on that branch was model then you are modeling a given area and not protolancing.

Now if your had a freelance railroad(let's call it Pittsburgh Industrial Rail) serving the same industrial branch its still freelance because PIR is not a real railroad since it doesn't have a prototype.

See how it works?

Summerset Ry

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