Prototype modeling - how far can you take it?
nkp_174 Wrote:
Brakie Wrote:Kevin,The first time I heard the term was in the mid 60s when a local modeler describe his Santa Fe layout as being proto lance since it didn't follow any given location on the Santa Fe.

Interesting. The term is older than I would have guessed. Of course, in the early days, the concept of prototypical modeling was rather far fetched...and by the '60s, it had become a realistic the proto-(free)lance distinction was possible.

Actually the thought of prototype operation started in the 40's.In the 50's Brass and early RTR engines and easy to assemble plastic car kits made operation even more possible.

Frank Ellison wrote a 6 part article on prototype operation in the 40s.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _new_1.pdf</a><!-- m -->

So,As you can see prototype operation isn't anything new including operators vs. builder debates that rage at hobby shops and mrr clubs..

Summerset Ry

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