CP Scarborough Harbor Branch Line - HO Scale
Thanks for the encouragement guys. On the table for this round is the following.

I have to rebuild some of my Code 83 turnouts from the previous layout.

I need to build some new turnouts in Code 70 Rail in order to use the Cd 70 flex track I purchased sometime ago that I plan to use for the Yard Ladder and Industry Sidings.

The turnouts will be all PC Board construction. Lots of soldering and filing ahead once again. The PC Board construction will make for bullet proof turnouts.

I have to build my dock area, half of the yard track work will be sitting on top of the dock in the harbour area. I need to construct this as I go in order to lay down track in that particular area. Plus then there is the apron and the transfer bridge for the car float. This project (done in three stages) is going to use a ton of stripwood in its construction. It will also let me hand lay some track at the same time which I must admit, I am looking foward to.

I also picked up some electronic tidbits. I purchased two NCE Switch8 decoders which will operate all of my tortoise switch machines. I picked up these nifty little polarity switch boards called Hex Frog Juicers. They are like a reversing card on steriods and can switch the polarity of the frogs on my turnouts in like micro seconds. They were not cheap, however I love stuff like that. They will also eliminate the need to use the internal switches on the Torts. Two wires from the DCC Bus and one wire from each frog to the HFJ and done. Each HFJ will power 6 turnouts.

I also started to play around with the software from Decoder Pro and Panel Pro this summer and decided to pick up the NCE USB Interface for programming and computer control of the layout. I would like to see if I can eliminate the toggle switches on the front of the layout. I'm shooting for a nice clean facia this time around. The only thing any one will see on the front of the layout will be the sockets for the cabs. There will be two of those. I need to add a second in order to accomodate the extra bit of length now at the other end and will not be able to walk around the layout unless I add one.

I promise, when I post up in the next little while, I will have some pictures for you guys to view. I just have a lot of work to do first.


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