Ohhhh NOOOO!
You may call it old fashioned, direct uploading to the post, vice photohosting, but...... I had to go to all my "hosted" posts, and correct all the links when the "photohost" s h u t d o w n !!! It's still an "extra step" to upload to a hosting site, and then add the "link" to the post. All the work I did on the Finescale site is Photobucket hosted. So, in addition to the model building, there was the uploads to photobucket, and writing all the links into the posts.

One of the things that was so attractive about the gauge, was the ability to upload photos directly.....and yes, I do have a photoshop program for resizing.
I transfer photos from the digital camera, process in photoshop, save to disk, and then have them to upload where and when I need to. All the photos I have on "other boards" are on disk. I don't have to link to the "other sites" to post them here.
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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