Another Era Ends.
I have built, bashed, and re-bashed Athearn BB kits. The end of the line of the BB kit is, for me, much like ending the line for Northeast Scale lumber, or Evergreen Styrene sheet and strip. The material I use for getting harder to find.

When I first started in this hobby, it was still mostly a scratch builder's hobby. Athearn was one of the few, inexpensive, easy, kits for beginners to get started on.
Yes Mountainman, the "hobby will go on", but it will be a bit more difficult for the first timers, without the BB kits to introduce them to model building.
I no longer need BB kits for what they "are", but I will miss them for what I could make out of them.

That about a tribute to a "fallen flag", Athearn BB kits. Post photos of your built, or bashed Athearn kits. Here's one of Athearn's "four to a box boats", and a bashed version.    
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!

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