Is Just Me?
At a recent train show (WGH on tour in Puyallup, WA) I found a basket-case Penn Line Atlantic in an old cigar box, all the parts there and half-assembled, for $15. The guy let me have it for $10. It's being wrapped for a place under the Xmas tree so I got a glance at it when I bought it and that's about it until after Xmas morning.

Anyway, some of my favorites are my firsts as well - an old AHM 0-4-0 A3 slope-back in GN green, silver & red, an Athearn NW Geep9 that growls when it runs, etc. Part of the fascination with the 'oldies' is the simplicity, even though I may take that simple thing and pour on a ton of detail parts & brass bits, then outfit it with DCC.

I've got an engine that I've been working on, off and on now, for a year or so. It's a Mantua Classics 0-6-0T that really needed some work even though it was new. It's the one in the video in my signature. I did some reworking (including purchasing a NWSL Quarterer to requarter the drivers) and have found that it may actually run better on DC than DCC. I was able to improve the slow speed characteristics with DC, but the DCC settings seem to remove some of the low speed, actually. I may be able to tweak the decoder a bit to account for that, but that remains to be seen.

All that to say, no, it ain't just you.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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