Ocalicreek's 2010 Spring Bash Challenge
Pictures of the aforementioned gons, officially a "Silver Streak Hart Convertible Gondola"


The two that are in pieces didn't come that way. They came home from the train show looking something like the one with a load. In fact, the load is what convinced me these were all from the same collection (that and I bought them from the same dealer, even though at two different shows a couple years apart).

Up next, chipping away the load and cleaning all the parts. After that I have to assess what parts need to be replaced/rebuilt. If I had some good casting resin I might be tempted to replicate the parts I need from the parts I have, but I think I may just build new ones from styrene or brass. Brass would add more weight and give me some practice in that medium. I already know I'll need a few new end beams.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!

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