Charlie b's layout
Actually you don't gain all that much , you have two door openings and without duck unders there is no way to use it. I'm building the building so I have the Island layout with wide radius curves. I try to be at least 42 inch min. on main line curves, even though I may end up with some 36 in. and when you do that against a corner there is a lot of wasted area in the back that is really hard to reach. I also worry about access should I get to the point I was having any more problems getting around. I do fine now but hard to tell if my legs will be OK in several years, although I will say, getting away from walking on the railroad ballast has been a major improvement.
I also have many friends that will be joining me for operating sessions and getting around will be much easier, especially when the baby is over 40. Icon_lol

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