model flex paint

Modelflex sprays just like any other water based acrylic. You do not need to thin it as it is ready to spray. If it does need thinning add a few drops of distiled water at a time. I have only ever had to thin one bottle a little bit. As for the spraying pressure I use 25 to 30 psi. I would start with 25 psi and do a small test spray on a piece of scrap plastic to make sure your getting a smooth spray pattern. When you spray your what ever your spraying do not try to get coverage in one coat. Use a couple of light coats with 5 to 10 minutes between each ( let the first lose its wet look ) before doing another coat. I usually use two light coats then a very slightly heavier light coat and get very good coverage. Modelflex covers real well so it does not take much to get a nice smooth finish. Before you spray it make sure you stir the paint real well. Do not shake it as it makes air bubbles in the paint and they can cause headaches. I found that out the hardway.

Wayne Reid

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