What dont you like about this hobby
Gary S Wrote:No, no, that wasn't the intent. Being a white conservative male myself, I get darned tired of society blaming "me" for all the evils of the world.

Anyway, I have said enough. I am a white conservative male, and contrary to popular belief, I am not the scourge of humanity.

I had to laugh to myself when I read your comments. I work with an elderly gent who is very politically conservative in every way humanly possible. Listening to him talk, you'd think that the Liberals/Democrats were to blame for all the evils in our country and around the world. You can't even discuss a point with him, because no matter what, he knows more then you do, he is right, and you are wrong. Its rather annoying, and drives me crazy. I am his boss however, and have told him to keep his political views to himself on more then a couple of occasions. End of discussion.

I like to think of myself as slightly left of center. There are some things I can agree with on both side of the political spectrum and others that I just find plain lunacy from both sides. I honestly don't think there has to be one way or another, there has to be some middle ground, until you get self serving egos and personal bias buggering up the mix.

That said, I have learned very early on that if you want to be on speaking terms with most people, It is best not to bring politics or religion into the picture, but I never back down from a challenge.

So what does this have to do with my modeling? Being true to self, I have decided to model specific prototypes, be it structures, rolling stock, motive power...however have it all fit together in a totally freelanced fictional setting. This way I get the best of both worlds. Modeling prototypes, but not being restricted to what I can use to achieve that goal...within reason of course. Like, you won't see six axle diesels or big boys switching 40' box cars off my car float operations. Misngth

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