Harbor scene... ideas?
Yes, YES, YES!! Thank you David. Zactly what I was looking for.
Thinking about this stuff has made me wonder if I was using the correct terminology to describe the things I was thinking about... I know it ain't trains but let me share what I looked up...

Harbor - a part of a body of water along the shore deep enough for anchoring a ship and so situated with respect to coastal features, whether natural or artificial, as to provide protection from winds, waves, and currents.
Dock - 1.a landing pier. 2.the space or waterway between two piers or wharves, as for receiving a ship while in port.
Pier - a structure built on posts extending from land out over water, used as a landing place for ships, an entertainment area, a strolling place, etc.; jetty.
Wharf - a structure built on the shore of or projecting into a harbor, stream, etc., so that vessels may be moored alongside to load or unload or to lie at rest; quay; pier.
Quay - a landing place, esp. one of solid masonry, constructed along the edge of a body of water; wharf.
Landing - a place where persons or goods are landed, as from a ship.
Jetty - 1.a pier or structure of stones, piles, or the like, projecting into the sea or other body of water to protect a harbor, deflect the current, etc. 2.a wharf or landing pier. 3.the piles or wooden structure protecting a pier.

As I don't have very much room for a large harbor, I wish to portray just the edge with one or two docks to tie up 2-3 boats of various sizes. Ideally, I'd like a tug, a barge, a small cargo carrier and a pleasure boat of some sort. Looks like I'm going to have to narrow things down a bit. I most definitely would like to have a pier but I don't know how to make that work with the space I've got.

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