Is it just me...
I like to give words of encouragement or constructive criticisms for people's projects, and I try to refrain from giving generic replies (all though it does happen Goldth ). People who post their modeling want feedback, as this encourages them to build more. And, I think most people would rather receive a simple thumbs up than nothing at all. For other questions or informative postings that I may not know the answer to, I try to post replies that help clarify or expand on the original question, offer the information I know that may be helpful to answering the question, or perhaps offer an educated guess. Sometimes that additional information is helpful to the person who does know the answer, or to other people who have similar questions. Sometimes the bits and pieces of knowledge from multiple people are needed to appropriately answer a question, and if we are shy about posing only the little bit that we know, then the question is never resolved.
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3-d printed items in HO/HOn3 and more!
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