Officially unemployed
IMHO, if we want this situation to change, we need to return the economy to the private sector! Taxing the "rich" to raise more money, to hire more government workers so that the Government can say they are "creating" jobs is in reality just so much eye candy for the ill-informed to nibble on, to make them feel like soon, maybe they to will "find" a job.

"Redistributing the wealth," taking from those who have to give to those who don't have, disincentivizes those who do make money from working to make more money (why, if it's only going to be taken away?) and reinforces the "comfortable" slothfulness of those who don't work (why work - the Fed will give me money.) When was the last time you were hired for a good job with a good income stream from a poor man?!! That doesn't happen.

Rather than drag the people with money down to the level of those who don't, let's resurrect the American Dream and give incentive to those who have little or no money to work, earn, save and invest, and by doing so, become one of the people who have money! It's called Capitalism, and it works every time it's tried. What doesn't work (except for the very few in the "Ruling Class" - which is closed to entry by others) are Socialism and Communism! Those systems only succeed in keeping the little man down, so he won't threaten the Ruling Class, who need "workers" to produce things for them to use, because none of them ever produce anything other than rules and regulations to "keep their boot on the neck" of the workers!

Argue if you wish, but THINK about what you have just read!

I wish the best of providence to all those who are out of work, desire to work and are actively pursuing a position that will bring them satisfaction and prosperity! Cheers

Lehigh Susquehanna & Western 

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~~Abraham Lincoln

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