Officially unemployed
nachoman Wrote:
RobertInOntario Wrote:How is your situation going?

Cheers, Rob

I'm doing my best to avoid relocating. I would rather work out of my field than have to pack up and move. Nonetheless, I learned the other day that the mine in which I base my layout on is hiring. Icon_lol Unfortunately, the mine is about 3 hours from here. I am gong to apply anyway (can't hurt). You never know what kind of shifts or arrangements they may have for commuters. Plus, I look at any interview as a learning experience. But, it is also a good indicator of the overall economy. Most copper mining in arizona closed up in the 1980s as it became cheaper to mine overseas. A few mines were kept open subsidized by the federal government. When the price of copper shot up about 7 years ago, many mines expanded operations and talked of re-opening dormant mines. But when the economy went bad 2-3 years ago, the price of copper dropped again and the mines slowed and many were laid off. The fact that the mines are hiring again is a good indicator. Not only is the mine business increasing, but the contractors (consultants) they hire to do water and environmental studies will have work again.

Thanks. You raise a good point -- that it can still be wise to apply for a job even when you're uncertain about the job for various reasons.

A job recently came up for which I'm only partly qualified. It was for an organization that I really like and support, but required some speaking and fund-raising skills. But I'd only have some of the skills needed for this job as I have no fund-raising skills at all. So I didn't apply -- but maybe I should have? because I wouldn't have anything to lose & it would be a learning experience (updating my resume and getting used to interviews again, etc.).

Are you doing OK financially and are you enjoying the extra time?

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